Popcorn Ranch Recipe




  1. Heat the Butter:
    In a large pot with a lid, melt the ½ stick of butter over medium heat. Let it sizzle slightly but avoid browning.

  2. Add the Kernels:
    Once the butter is melted, add ½ cup of popcorn kernels directly to the pot. Stir them so the kernels are coated evenly in butter.

  3. Pop the Corn:
    Cover the pot with the lid and shake gently every few seconds to prevent sticking or burning. Continue until the popping slows to 2–3 seconds between pops.

  4. Season Immediately:
    Once the popcorn is done popping, remove the pot from the heat. Sprinkle 2 tsp of Cool Ranch Musket Powder seasoning directly over the popcorn while it’s still warm. Shake the pot or toss the popcorn in a large bowl to ensure the seasoning coats evenly.

  5. Taste Test:
    Adjust seasoning if needed with more Cool Ranch Musket Powder or a touch of salt.

  6. Enjoy!
    Serve hot and enjoy this flavorful, buttery, ranch-packed treat!

Ranch Popcorn Seasoning

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